
(function($) { $.fn.flowtype = function(options) { // Establish default settings/variables // ==================================== var settings = $.extend({ maximum : 9999, minimum : 1, maxFont : 9999, minFont : 1, fontRatio : 35 }, options), // Do the magic math // ================= changes = function(el) { var $el = $(el), elw = $el.width(), width = elw > settings.maximum ? settings.maximum : elw < settings.minimum ? settings.minimum : elw, fontBase = width / settings.fontRatio, fontSize = fontBase > settings.maxFont ? settings.maxFont : fontBase < settings.minFont ? settings.minFont : fontBase; $el.css('font-size', fontSize + 'px'); }; // Make the magic visible // ====================== return this.each(function() { // Context for resize callback var that = this; // Make changes upon resize $(window).resize(function(){changes(that);}); // Set changes on load changes(this); }); }; }(jQuery)); ;jQuery(function($) { //AJAX Filtering //Builds up the HTML for the product to be rendered. var productBuilder = function (product){ var productHTML = "<article>"; productHTML = productHTML + "<a href='/products/"+ product.handle +"'>"; productHTML = productHTML + "<img src='"+ product.images[0].src +"'/>"; productHTML = productHTML + "<h2>"+ product.title +"</h2>"; productHTML = productHTML + product.price; productHTML+="</a>"; productHTML+="</article>"; return productHTML; }; $('.filter__link').on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); //We Slide back up the filter list filterList.removeClass('filter__list--show'); //We replace the title $('h1').html($(this).html()); //We grab the JSON url for the relevant collection var url = $(this).attr('href'); var jsonUrl = url + "/products.json"; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: jsonUrl, success: function(response){ window.history.pushState('', '', url); $('.product-list').html(""); $.each(response.products, function(){ var builtProduct = productBuilder(this); $('.product-list').append(builtProduct); }); } }); window.onpopstate = function() { $('body').load(location.href) }; }); }); ;var filterList = jQuery('.filter__list'); jQuery(function($) { /* Remove SVG images to avoid broken images in all browsers that don't support SVG. */ /*==========================*/ var supportsSVG = function() { return document.implementation.hasFeature('', '1.1'); }; if (!supportsSVG()) { $('img[src*=".svg"]').remove(); } // Reveals truncated product description $('.read-more').on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $('.description__short').toggle(); $('.description__full').toggle(); }); // Check if slide-up input is empty $('.input-group input').keyup(function(){ if ($(this).val() != ""){ $(this).addClass('input--filled'); } else { $(this).removeClass('input--filled'); } }); $('.filter button').click(function(){ filterList.toggleClass('filter__list--show'); }); //$('article').flowtype({ // minimum : 500, // maximum : 1800, // minFont : 16, // maxFont : 20, // fontRatio : 30 //}); //var addToCartModal = function (response) { //}; $('.add-to-cart').on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); Shopify.addItem($('.product__variant input').filter(':checked').val(), 1, function(response){ var getItemCount = $('.site-header__cart-link span'); var getItemCountHTML = getItemCount.html(); getItemCountHTML++; getItemCount.html(getItemCountHTML); var modalHTML = "<div class='cart-modal'><div class='cart-modal__inner'>"; modalHTML+="<span class='close-button'></span>"; modalHTML+="<h3>Added to Cart:</h3>"; modalHTML+=response.title; modalHTML = modalHTML + "<p>$" + response.price/100 + "</p>"; modalHTML+="<p><a class='button button--hl' href='/cart'>View Cart / Checkout</a></p>"; modalHTML+="</div></div>"; $('main').append(modalHTML); $('.cart-modal').click(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); }); }); }); ;jQuery(function($) { if($('body').hasClass('template-page-contact')){ $('.map--static').remove(); $('.maps').append('<div class="map--dynamic"></div>'); var map, center, bounds, geocoder; var isDraggable = $(document).width() > 480 ? 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